Kära bloggläsande vänner. Via traditionell trist vanlig urbota tråkig epost kommer här ett tips från min käre, såååå omtänksamma otroligt stöttande polare vid nicknamn Vedklyfarwife. Alltså, jag hajar inte riktigt varför hon aldrig lyckas trycka på kommentarknappen härinunder. Hajar inte heller varför hon envisas med att bo i byn som ligger bakom arschlet på fan. Varför jag är sååå omtyckt i den byn, det har jag hajat länge. Oops..
"Läs sista raden, du kan göra karriär, precis som Laura??!!
(skulle inte tro det..)
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Home / Job offers / Career at airBaltic
Career at airBaltic
airBaltic - maybe (not) a career opportunity just for you!
To fly - one of the most ancient and beautiful dreams of human beings. (yes true) More than 1000 employees at airBaltic help this dream come true (I wonder how). airBaltic offers direct flights from Riga and Vilnius to 48 destinations in Europe and East. (ok, facts) Each of our employees helps passengers to reach their final destination, no matter which department they work in (no no nope njet)- flight operations, commercial, sales, finances, technical operations, quality assurance (nope false), or personnel (no false) and administration.
Our employees know very well that a flight is not just a beautiful dream, it involves very serious work (they do? who? name and telephonenumber please!) . We must always be ready to serve (Yeaah, that´s right so why doesn´t Air Baltic practise it by book, never heard of excellent hostmanship?), to undertake great responsibility, and to work together towards our common goal (earning money by cheatl your customers by false facts or WHAT?). We require team players who can think independently and who are ready to face challenges. If you want to work in a dynamic, modern, highly professional and international environment (forget) airBaltic (the company) can (definitly not) be the next step in your career!
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Men här kommer det ett från en som skall trycka på knappen men som nu
först skall trycka in nappen ??
Natti Natti
Gaaaaahhh..she made it! Speak later...
Synd att det inte funkar med Air France, dom är tillmötesgående och korrekta plus att dom har supergod mat ...
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